Monday, March 22, 2010

Agility Class: Nubs is Getting it!

Tonight was again, Agility class. I ended up spending a good 3 1/2 hours at the dentist so I ended up having to call in for work. I felt bad but hey, these wisdom teeth needed to be looked at (and sadly need to be pulled too!). This ended up giving me about 3 hours before agility class to tire Nubs out and even take him out to Petco for a bit.

Honestly, Petco should just give me a job. I swear every time I'm out there, I have at LEAST 2 people stop me and ask "Do you work here?" which I reply "No, but I know a lot about dogs, maybe I can help you anyways.". Today I ended up selling Bitter Apple Spray and some Natural Balance food. Go figure! People see a girl walking around with a well behaved dog (ok semi-well behaved) and automatically think "She HAS to work here!" either that or I just give off that retail worker vibe. I'd like to think the first option there.

Agility class tonight was learning the Dog Walk and the broad jump... well relearning it for Nubs. That dog is beyond confident at everything he does even if he doesn't have a clue what to do. At the last class of the last Beginner Agility Class, while we had "free time" so the teacher can talk to us all independently, I worked Nubs hard on the Dog Walk since he just didn't ever seem to understand where his feet was as he was doing it. By the 5th time doing it, he had gotten it down and was doing well at staying on there. That was... over a month and a half ago so I decided to take it easy and start from scratch on it. Yeah... Nubs would have NOTHING of that.

The first time over it he is only paying attention to my hand holding the treat nothing else so the second time I did it with no treat. We had a helper walking next to the Dog Walk and Nubs being Nubs, wanted nothing to do with the dog walk and only to play with the person helping out. The instructor ended up putting up her dog and helping us out that time. The last 2 times we walked it, we did it without anyone standing next to the Dog Walk and Nubs did it PERFECTLY! Silly dog.

We ended up doing two runs of the course. Nubs is soooo EXCITED over this. He LOVES being able to run the course, he LIVES for it. So we jump over the broad jump, then go to jump through the tire, and Nubs just starts to get too excited and wanted to play Tug with the leash instead. I drop his leash and refuse to play with him but he is happy to just stand there and "kill" the leash. He stops and we do it again, and he starts with the Tug things again. The instructor yells at me for dropping the leash because I'm "giving him what he wants so he's picking what he wants to do" which in my mind, he wants to play tug, and by dropping the leash I wasn't playing with him. Who knows. I end up just letting him run the course without me touching the leash and he runs the rest perfectly.

Run two: same thing happens. So I just remove the leash completely and put it in my treat bag (it's a 3ft leather leash) and just do the whole course off lead. He does PERFECT. No joke. He over-did the table but quickly jumped back on it, but did wonderfully! The A-frame he's learning to come down slowly on, he flies through the Weaves (it has the training wheels on it so you have to do them correct), and does the Dog Walk without a blink. The Trainer and I looked at each other as if we both were thinking the same thing "Looks like he's ready for off leash training now!" (this is the reason we have to repeat the Beginners class)

So Nubs is constantly improving but also being his normal nutty self. He just does everything with a smile on his face and doesn't pay attention at all, unless we start running a course then it's like "I better do this right!" and he does it wonderfully. What an odd dog! Got to love him though!

"Hey! Who are you calling a nut?!?"

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