Monday, July 13, 2015

Up Up and AWAY!!!

Ok, not really.  This time of year is really when summer kicks off around here.  Heat kicks in, grass dies, the loud roar of jets going over the house, and most of all, all the color of the balloons in the sky.

Some things people never think of doing is socializing their dogs with such things like Hot Air Balloons or even Jets.  You know, always prepare for the unexpected right?  I'm lucky with both Nubs and Peanut that neither of them are noise sensitive and neither of them care about things going overhead.  Makes for great photo ops!

Best Friends

What's going on over there???

Hurry up lady!  There's grass to pee on!

Hope everyone, two and four legged had a safe holiday!  Enjoy the time in the sun and warmth while you can!!

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