Sunday, December 15, 2013

Photo HEAVY. A Trip Over Time

Not much to say about this post, the photos speak for themselves.
June 26th, 2011

July 18th, 2011

July 29th, 2011

August 21, 2011

September 4th, 2011

September 27th, 2011

October 23rd, 2011

November 27th, 2011

February 24th, 2012

March 21, 2012

July 1st, 2012

August 22nd, 2012

September 30th, 2012

October 23rd, 2012

Around this time, Nubs started having issues sitting so these photos became fewer and far in between, so for one year I was unable to get him to sit next to Peanut at all.  With his decline of health so went my passion of photography. However this finally happened...

October 7th, 2013

November 30th, 2013

 And that is how my dogs have grown over the past 2 and 1/2 years. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Working With Peanut

It hasn't been such a great year for our SAR work.  My local SAR team kind of fell apart on me so I haven't had anyone to hide for me in a while.  I've been instead doing tracking of my own scent instead which helps to sharpen her nose skills.

Heres the map from tonight.  It doesn't look like much, but that's just shy of a half mile track. Took us about 15mins to do the whole thing.

View 2800-2898 7th Ave in a larger map

Tonight was a perfect night, calm winds, cooler temps, and Peanut was in the mood to work.  I held nothing back tonight.  There was cross tracks, back tracks and I even crossed the street.  As you can see, she was very confused on the crossing of the street but worked it out well and picked up my scent again as she came pass it.  The loops and back tracks she really had no troubles with, and at the end she was starting to get tired (still quite warm when we were doing this) but she found her toy and treats in the end.  So tonight was a success!  I love my little rescue dog.  She may drive me bonkers, but she's a great dog!

One happy, hot dog


Working on long distance down stays.  Needs work

And just her watching across the field

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Something Positive For Once

I didn't post this because, well I didn't want to really think it could be true.  Early this spring, Nubs was in the worse shape I had seen him in.  Both ACL's gone and his back starting to go out. He was so bad that sometimes he'd pee on himself because he was in too much pain to move to go outside.  I was carrying him up and down stairs, lifting him on the couch and bed, and just trying to make him as comfortable as I could.  It was a really sad sight.  I thought that this would be my last summer with my best friend.  I couldn't see him getting any better and I was not going to be one of those owners that keep their dogs, obviously in tons of pain, alive just for themselves.

At the end of summer, I can honestly say that with pain killers for Nubs, he's done a complete turn around.  I've now got him on an every other day alternating pain dose and I'm actually knocking it down here soon to every three days.  I'm hoping I can fade them out to the point where the only time he needs pain pills is if he over does it.  He's become the nut that he use to be back before he hurt himself.  I mean I haven't seen this side of him in such a long time.  It's so heartwarming to see his sassy self back. 

I know it's just the pain killers masking his pain but if it allows me a few more years of him enjoying life to his fullest, so be it.  I'm loving this so much.  Two sassy terriers terrors in my home, driving me bonkers.  Constant breaking up playing that's getting too much, snark fests over who has the best bones, and yelling at two dogs getting into things they shouldn't.  This is how the past 3 years should have been. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Long Awated Update

Sorry folks!  I know it's been a while since I updated this blog. I recently started working a full time job and in between that, working with Peanut, and spending far too much time at the vets with Nubs, this has just been at the back of my priority list.

So some updates:

Nubs is doing really well now that we finally have his pain medicine figured out.  He's still favoring his knee that he had the surgeries on, but he's his happy-go-lucky self anymore.  I've been holding my breath, making sure before I said something that it wasn't just short term, but he's been doing great on an every other day dose of Previcox and Tramadol combo.  We had him on a third medicine called Gabapentin but he ended up having a reaction to it (which involved 2 more vet visits to figure out what was going on) where his gums suddenly started swelling up to the point where you could no longer see some of his teeth!  Seems the reaction caused gingivitis to take hold in his mouth, even though his teeth were still beautiful at 6 1/2 years old, and he'll likely need surgery this winter to take care of the gums.

Besides that He's been great.  Better then he's been doing in the past two years. Hoping that this winter he does well and we can have a few more years with my boy!

For those of you who aren't FB followers, Make sure to stop here and see the Prissy Pit Bull Nubs in action:

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this dog?   She's an amazing little dog.  We've taken a while off of SAR practicing because she was just getting burned out.  A few weeks ago we decided to do a few short tracks with her and the other dog Blue the Bloodhound just to get them back into it.  Peanut blew me away with how well she did.  That dog if she could do it like she did this day every time, well she'd be unstoppable.  If anyone is interested in the southern Michigan area in teaming up and doing some tracking (I'll be more then willing to help you learn) for fun and some other training, let me know!  I'm always looking for people who want to do a weekly training and can actually stick with it! 

So, I get a lot of questions about the type of equipment I use with Peanut in the field or even what I use in my SAR pack (which anyone can use in just a basic hiking kit), so I am going to start doing some basic reviews of some of the stuff I use and things like that.  If you have ANY questions, feel free to ask me!  Might also do some Q&A on ACL's and things I went through with Nubs.  So toss me a question you'd like answered and I'll do my best to answer them!

Take care!
The Nut House

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Two Amazing Dogs

Anyone who knows me knows I'm very hard on myself more so when it comes to my dogs.  I really never look at myself as a good trainer or that I've done that great with my dogs.  I haven't been putting much time into Peanut as I'd like because I kind of got burnt out after Nubs got hurt.  I'm scared of hurting her as well, it's a major fear of mine.

This past week, I finally saw how much time and effort I've put into my dogs and how much it has paid off.  Nubs has always been great in crowds and with people.  With his bad legs, he hasn't really been able to leave the house so if I go out to grab some fast food or a quick run into a store for one item, I'll take him along to sit in the car so at least he can enjoy a ride.  Well I needed to stop in and grab some treats for Peanut's training and took Nubs with me to a local dog store that just opened up the road from me.  He limped into the store, loved on a bunch of employees, and even did a down stay for me while I loved on a 7 month old Pit.  He was the PERFECT dog.  I puffed out my chest and just was proud of him.

The next day I took Peanut to a local festival which draws in crowds upwards of 10-20 THOUSAND people.  We were out there looking for weird things like back packs on the ground (because of the Boston Bombings), weird people (because of shootings that happened in the past), and lost kids (there was a total of 8 kids lost and all were found).  Now a crowd of 10,000-20,000 people is a LOT of people.  It's shoulder to shoulder traffic and can be very overwhelming for people let alone dogs.  We were out there from 7am until Noon, and Peanut was FANTASTIC.  Never was overwhelmed, loved on the hundreds of people that stopped to pet her, and never even showed any fear walking in that large crowd.  She was PERFECT.

Now the thing that really made me realize how great she is was dealing with one child.  This child was in a stroller and had pins coming out of his/her (not sure of the gender) neck.  The child was about 2 or 3 and wasn't developmentally there.  This child just had this sad look on it's face until it saw Peanut and It's mom stopped to ask if her child could pet Peanut.  Peanut walked over to the stroller, licked the child's had, and allowed it to pet her for a few moments.  Then genitally gave the child a kiss on it's chin and just let it pet her for a little longer.  The smile on that child's face and it's parents face made me want to cry.  Watching that child light up and just go from just sitting there to a big grin and laughing saying "DOGGY! DOGGY!" was amazing.

I have two AMAZING dogs that didn't just magically happen.  It took a lot of time, effort, and luck to get them the way they are today.  I am blessed that they are mine and I encourage anyone that is reading this blog to not give up on your dreams and while today it's hard to see the how the work will pay off, to keep working on it because someday it will happen. 


Also on another note, I'm looking for a wheel chair for Nubs.  If anyone out there knows where to find FREE plans of wheel chairs or a nicely designed Wheelchair used for a 75lb dog (I can also provide measurements if needed) let me know.  I haven't been able to find free plans anywhere online that I can use, and the one's that I can buy online are roughly $400 that I like.  So if anyone out there knows something that my Google skills can't find, let me know!


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Play Time!

Still not much to update so instead, here's a photo of your two favorite Pits playing:


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Finally Answers to Nubs Limping!

Many of you know that Nubs has not been well over the past few years. Most of that dealing with his torn ACL and a few surgeries to correct it.  It's been a constant battle over the past few years to get him back to normal.

About November I noticed Nubs starting to have a bad limp again in his good knee.  With the failure rate of 75% of the good ACL after surgery, I figured his other knee had finally torn and put him on crate rest for a while to see if I could avoid surgery this time around with the issues of the first surgery I didn't want to go through that again.  Well after a few months of resting I noticed it not getting better.  In fact it was getting worse and he was having issues controlling his whole back end.

This is video of the night where Nubs couldn't get out of his crate without falling over.

The next day I took him to the vet.  X-rays were taken and his ACLs were checked.  ACL's were in great shape and x-rays only showed that he was backed up and might have had a partial blockage.  I was put on poop watch and given gas meds to help him out.  Even though I didn't agree with my vet's diagnosis, I allowed a week for things to get better.  They didn't.  Finally I made a second appointment at a different vet for a second opinion.

This vet was really WONDERFUL.  She allowed Nubs to get to know her before we started poking him and messing with his joints.  Most vets muzzle Nubs because he give you what a vet referred to as "the Pit Bull look" a look that can make most people nervous but isn't anything at all to worry about, she was loving on him.  Made things so much easier because I could get him into downs and on his back so we could move his legs in a natural motion.  She agreed that the issue wasn't his ACLs.  Something may be going on, but without a ton of tests and all she couldn't tell me nor would she want to run all those tests because it would be a waste since she didn't believe that they would show us anything.  At least I knew it wasn't his ACLs and that was a big step.

Wednesday of this week I received a phone call from my sister telling me Nubs wouldn't move and Pee'd on her and himself and wouldn't move away from it.  Nubs has never in the year's I've owned him pee'd on himself and maybe only pee'd in the house 3 times.  Something was really wrong and I was bound and determined to find it out.

After getting him into the vet as an emergency, the vet and I fought over what was wrong with him.  She was convinced it was just arthritis in his knee causing the issue.  I know that the arthritis is part of the weakness in his hind end, but there is something else going on besides that.  After a good 10 min debate over wasting my money, I had the vet do X-rays and a blood panel for fun.  After she was done with the x-rays, she came back and apologized to me.  The x-rays from 2 months ago and that day showed a big difference in his spine.  What is referred to as Lumbosacral syndrome or Cauda Equina disease.  I still held out that maybe the blood tests would show Lime disease but that came back clear.

Read more here: Lumbosacral Syndrome (should open in a new window)

So folks we finally have a reason for his limping.  Not what I was hoping but at least it's something.  Now I'm looking into building him a wheelchair to go out in so that way he can still enjoy things without stressing out his back.  I know he misses his walks and if he doesn't have a lot of time with me, I want to make sure it's the best time he can have.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

First Spring Hike

So it's officially spring here in Michigan and we enjoyed the first 50* day by going out on a nice spring hike. Sadly I forgot my camera so no photos. However this was one of those hikes where Peanut made me so proud to be her owner. Everyone had the same idea as we did and we ran into many dogs, humans, and even about 10 horses. All the dogs after being cooped up all winter were on edge and were lunging and barking at Peanut and myself as we passed. Peanut just ignored them and went by without even much of a look. I can honestly say how GREAT it feels when you are holding onto the end of a leash of what most people consider the "worst breed ever" and she's acting 1000 times better than a Lab or Shepherd. Horses were another fun thing to train. 2 horses no more then 6 feet away from us, and Peanut held her down stay while they passed all the while another dog nearby lunged and barked at the poor horses. Sometimes things happen that make you realize how far your dog has come. Peanut is almost 2 years old now and is just turning out to be just the perfect breed ambassador. For a dog that came from the street to a dog that amazes everyone I'm proud to own her.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The 100th Post!!!

I'd just like to say Thank You to everyone that reads this blog. I never thought I'd make it to 100 posts when I started this blog back in 2010. Sure there's only 19 followers, but I know there are many that have us bookmarked and check in time to time. Thank you for everyone's support!

A quick update mostly on Nubs. You are going to start hearing about Nubs's knee again. Yes he will be having a third surgery on that knee here soon no doubt. Tomorrow I am taking him to another vet in hopes to get sent to a vet that is actually competent to do the surgery correctly this time around. I'll be honest with you, my readers, things aren't looking good for him right now. He's in pretty rough shape thanks to this vets lack of ability to do what needed to be done. Keep an eye out here because depending on our visit tomorrow I may be posting some things to sell in hopes to raise some money for another surgery. 5 years ago when I brought Nubs into my life I never thought that he'd become my best friend. He is the one constant thing in my life that no matter what happens is there for me. It's only right that I do everything I can to repay him for just being the perfect dog.

So stay tuned and if anyone knows of some good ways to earn money let me know!

Anyways, I'll just leave you with some photos of the two best Pits around:

IMG_2665-1 copy

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Winter time fun!

It's been a while since my last update. It's just been too cold for me to be out and about. Today is a beautiful, sunny, winter afternoon so after two days of Peanut driving me nuts I decided to ask her if she wanted to go "pull". Well I was barely standing after she jumped about 2ft in the area, did a quick turn about, smacked right into my knee almost taking me out, and made a mad dash to the back door. I took it as a yes. Sunday mornings are a great day to take the scooter out since everyone is still inside sleeping or at church so no kids, no dogs, and few cars to make our day hard. After coaxing Peanut into her harness (I don't know why she hates harnesses but she never comes willingly to them.) and doing some stretches, we take off. There is nothing like being under dog power on a scooter flying down a street. It's just an amazing experience that is hard to describe. We always go about 1 mile and then take a short catching of breath rest then back on for another 2 mile mad dash home. Hard to believe that Peanut can do it without seeming like she's trying. Video of today's run:
While waiting for a car to pass, someone was bored and hot.

All tangled up

Her reward for a great run!

And a tired Peanut


Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Nubs! (photo heavy)

It's a day late posting this, but who's counting?!

Nubs is one of those few rescue dogs that came with an actual date of birth, which is January 20th 2007.  So yesterday was his 6th Birthday.  My boy is 6 years old...  Do you know how much this saddens me?  My baby will have to start Senior vet care next year.  HE'S TOO YOUNG FOR THAT!

So here is celebrating the best dog in the world.  Honestly I couldn't ask for a better dog.  Nubs is my heart dog.  A dog that I have such a strong bond with that it's unreal.  He's my cuddle buddy, he's my best friend, he's my chair warmer, he's my partner, he's my boy, he's simply the best.  There is no amount of words to tell you how much that dog means to me.  I know many people have said "Well since you got Peanut, you really don't post anything about Nubs!"  There is a reason for that.  Nubs is just my couch potato, feet warmer, and cuddle buddy.  There's not much that he can do with those bad legs.  So while yes, I don't post many things about him it doesn't mean I don't love him just the same.

So here's to Nubs!  Love you so much bud!
