Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day Three

Today is better then yesterday. It seems the ACE has done it's job today because Nubs is just completely relaxed, not a care in the world. He's made his bed in front of the heater today and all is well.

The bruising from last night has gotten darker, but Nubs doesn't seem bothered too much by his knee. I can tell when the Pain meds has started to wear off because he'll start licking the stitches, not enough to cause an issue with them, but enough that I catch him. No e-collar yet.

I can't help but think that I've raised my dog well or I just have a sissy dog that doesn't like the cold. Potty breaks have been sort, to the point and then a mad dash inside (while I'm attempting to slow him down and being dragged across the snow) Nothing stops this dog.

1 comment:

  1. I love that second photo. It looks like he's ready to be naughtynaughtynaughty, and is checking to make sure nobody narcs on him.
