Saturday, August 18, 2012

Peanut the Wanna-be Cat

I often refer to Peanut's personality as very "cat like" since she's a bit aloof with new people but warms up quickly to people.  The fact she's very "smart" and has a "I'll do what I want when I want to" attitude, but still likes most everyone.  I also refer to her as "cat like" because of how agile she is.

I recently started training Peanut for scootering as a new way to give her an outlet for her massive amount of energy and a way to use her mind.  It also helps to train her for weight pulling so it's killing two birds with one stone.  She's really starting to love doing it (she actually starts dancing like she does with her flirt pole which is amazing).  Well I was out riding with her and when I returned my Dad was in my yard which is normal, but the following conversation wasn't.

Dad: Hey did you get a new dog?
Me: Um, No.... Oh wow, who is that? (takes Peanut quickly and puts her in the house)
Dad: I don't know.  You left the gate open and he decided to come in and say hello to Nubs (who was in the outside kennel)
Me: -sighs- Oh I bet Nubs was happy with that. (Nubs doesn't care too much for new dogs anymore)

Sure enough there was a 60lb Pointer/Bully mix walking around my yard with a sqeaky toy in his mouth.  He just made himself at home and was happy as heck to stick around.  After about 20 mins of walking around and seeing if I could find his home, I returned to the house with the dog (who later I found out was named Gumby) and walk inside where I had Peanut still running loose and look what I see Ms. Tude herself up to:

Note: Please excuse the mess I was thrown for a loop when Gumby  stopped by

Yes Peanut climbed in a window, that she really can't get too and was sitting in it just like a cat would.  I laughed so much over this sight.  That's my girl!

Thanks to Facebook, I was able to locate the Shelter where Gumby was adopted from and he was returned there today to find a new home.  If you ever adopt a pet, PLEASE see if your shelter will take the dog back PRIOR to selling your new pet.  Lots of shelters require you to return the dog/cat before you sell them.  Thankfully this shelter always takes their adoptions back so Gumby returned (same shelter I got Nubs from) and will find hopefully a better home this time.

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