Saturday, July 7, 2012

Long Awaited Update (Lots of photos)

I can't believe it's been so long since I updated this blog.  Well I can since there hasn't been any real progress and a lot of stuff has been happening in my life to keep me from posting.

She's turning into a wonderful dog.  She's now been with me for officially over a year now!  Can you believe it?  I can't!  I mean look at how much she's changed:

The recent heat has really kept us from doing any Search and Rescue training so between that and a falling out between me and one of the other members of the team it's been slow going.  Thankfully I have a dear friend who is willing to help me out once the heat breaks which looks like this week.

What can I say about this nut?  He's been having issues with both of his knees again and I'm at a loss at what to do.  He doesn't seem in much pain so I've been treating him with some pain pills for bad days, and lots of different herbal remedies which seem to lessen his pain.  Wish I could win the lotto and take him to a doctor at Michigan State Univ. and get both of his knees fixed finally.  It sucks watching your dog grow older and start to have issues.  At least he isn't in pain, and still loves a good cuddle.  I just feel guilty when I take Peanut out for our nightly walks, while that was Nubs favorite thing in the world.  Makes me want to cry just thinking about it.  Maybe here shortly I'll get a job that gives me more then 17hrs a week and I'll be able to actually afford more things like that.

Anyways, He's doing great knee's aside.  He's such a ham and has been such a cuddle bug as of late.  Love my boy so much.  He's the best dog I could ask for.

And now one last photo of both of the Nuts!